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Introduction to Mcville Industrial Group's Imported Lug Type American Standard Butterfly Valve


Mcville Industrial Group is a professional valve manufacturer, and its imported lug type American standard butterfly valve is a high-quality and high-performance valve product. This butterfly valve is designed according to American standards and has excellent sealing performance, corrosion resistance, and wear resistance. It is widely used in petroleum, chemical, power, metallurgy, water treatment, and other fields.

产品特点(Product Features)

1. 结构简单,体积小,重量轻,易于安装和维护。

The structure is simple, the volume is small, the weight is light, and it is easy to install and maintain.

2. 采用双偏心结构设计,具有优-异-的密封性能和耐磨性能。

The double eccentric structure design has excellent sealing performance and wear resistance.

3. 采用硬质合金材料制造的阀座和密封圈,具有优-异-的耐腐蚀性能。

The valve seat and sealing ring made of hard alloy materials have excellent corrosion resistance.

4. 采用可调节式密封结构,可以根据实际使用情况进行调整,确保密封性能。

The adjustable sealing structure can be adjusted according to the actual use situation to ensure sealing performance.

5. 采用手动、电动、气动等多种驱动方式,可以满足不同的使用需求。

Multiple driving methods such as manual, electric, and pneumatic can meet different usage needs.

6. 采用优质的材料制造,具有优-异-的耐腐蚀性和耐磨性。

Made of high-quality materials, it has excellent corrosion resistance and wear resistance.

7. 采用先进的制造工艺和检测设备,确保产品质量稳定可靠。

Advanced manufacturing processes and testing equipment ensure stable and reliable product quality.

产品规格(Product Specifications)

1. 阀门公称直径:DN50-DN2000

Nominal diameter: DN50-DN2000

2. 阀门公称压力:PN10-PN40

Nominal pressure: PN10-PN40

3. 适用介质:水、油、气体、蒸汽、酸碱等

Applicable medium: water, oil, gas, steam, acid and alkali, etc.

4. 适用温度:-40℃~+200℃

Applicable temperature: -40℃~+200℃

5. 驱动方式:手动、电动、气动

Driving mode: manual, electric, pneumatic

6. 连接方式:法兰连接、螺纹连接

Connection mode: flange connection, threaded connection

7. 阀体材质:铸铁、碳钢、不锈钢、合金钢等

Valve body material: cast iron, carbon steel, stainless steel, alloy steel, etc.

应用领域(Application Fields)

1. 石油化工行业:用于输送石油、天然气、化工原料等介质。

Petroleum and chemical industry: used for conveying media such as oil, natural gas, and chemical raw materials.

2. 电力行业:用于输送水、蒸汽等介质。

Power industry: used for conveying media such as water and steam.

3. 冶金行业:用于输送矿浆、矿渣等介质。

Metallurgical industry: used for conveying media such as slurry and slag.

4. 水处理行业:用于输送污水、清水等介质。

Water treatment industry: used for conveying media such as sewage and clean water.

5. 建筑行业:用于空调、供暖等系统中的介质控制。

Construction industry: used for medium control in air conditioning, heating, and other systems.



